Tourism sector

european tourism

How Important Is International Tourism To The Global Economy?

James Reilly (Schroeders) | Tourism contributed 10.4% to global GDP in 2018; however, with many countries worldwide currently operating travel restrictions, the sector is now facing serious challenges. Scenarios produced by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) point to a fall in international tourist journeys of between 58% and 78% for 2020. Such an outcome could potentially see 100-120 M direct tourism jobs at risk in what is one of the most labour-intensive sectors of the global economy.

Spain tourism

Spanish Domestic Tourism To See A Revival End-June; Beginning July For Foreigner Visitors

Today Spain is taking another step towards the “new normal” with Madrid, which is the country’s economic driver, Barcelona and Castilla y León, the areas most affected by the pandemic, moving into Phase 1. The remaining 29 provinces, plus the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, are now entering Phase 2. Furthermore, the tourism season is expected to start at end-June for the Spanish population and at the beginning of July for foreigner visitors. The tourism industry accounts for over 12% of Spain’s GDP.

Spain's tourism

Foreign Tourist Arrivals In Spain Plunge 64.3% In March; Only Domestic Tourism Can Save The Season

Spain received two million international tourists in March, 64.3% less than year earlier, after its borders were closed from the mid-month to curb the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the Statistics on Tourist Movements at Borders (Frontur). In 2019, Spain clocked up for the seventh consecutive year an all-time record in international tourist arrivals, with 83.7 million visitors. But with borders closed sine die, it seems that only domestic tourism can save the 2020 season.

3. Public debt

The Coronavirus Crisis Could Cost Spain Between 3.9% And 10% Of GDP

The coronavirus crisis could cost Spain 3.9% of GDP, in a mild scenario. But if the current containment and crisis measures are extended for three months, GDP could fall by up to 6 percentage points. And if they continue until summer, by almost 10. This is one of the conclusions of the report presented yesterday by Nuno Fernandes, Professor of Finance at IESE Business School.

trevi fountain

Tourism’s Fall To Damage The Italian Economy; Possible Disruptions In Industry Can Affect European Partners

According to the latest aggregate Tourism Satellite Account from Eurostat, tourism consumption in Italy amounted to 146.33 Bn€, while the country’s GDP entered 2020 with a negative drag effect of 0.2%. European partners must be more worried about the potential upheaval in the country’s industry: the second largest in Europe. The key is that almost a third of its production is intermediate goods. Therefore any disruption in Italy’s manufacturing activity would be trasmitted to their European counterparts.

Spanish tourism in the Mediterranean: the re-emergence of Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey altered the playing field

Spanish Tourism In The Mediterranean: The Re-emergence Of Egypt, Tunisia And Turkey Altered The Playing Field

CaixaBank Research | Spain’s boom in international tourism between 2011 and 2016 coincides with a long period of instability suffered by Egypt and Tunisia following the Arab Spring of 2010, as well as the episode of insecurity suffered by Turkey between 2015 and 2016. This reduction in competition for Spain helped its number of international tourist arrivals to rise at a considerably fast rate of 6.1% per year. This beneficial situation for the Spanish market came to an end in 2018 as we explain here.

Spain tourism

Spanish Foreign Tourism Hits New Record With 83.7 M Visitors In 2019 And A Spending Rising 2.8%

Bankinter | According to INE (Spanish Statistical Office) 83.7 million foreign tourists visited Spain last year, an increase of 1.1% over 2018. Their spending also broke a record, rising 2.8% to €92.278 million. Among the main tourist destinations, the ones that did well were Madrid +7,0%, the Autonomous region of Valencia +3,9% and Andalusia +3,4% and the ones that didn’t were The Canary Islands -4,4% and the Balearic Islands -1,2%.

spain tourism

The Spanish economy at a glance

Círculo de Empresarios | In August, Spain recorded the third largest economic slowdown among OECD countries, after Ireland and Slovenia. Between January and August, the arrival of international tourists to Spain increased by 1.5% year-on-year and tourism spending increased by 3.2% year-on-year.

Spain tourism

International tourism in Spain: from quantity to quality?

CaixaBank Research | The strong growth in international tourism which Spain has experienced is having a positive impact on economic growth and employment. However, it is also generating impacts on the resident population which are not always positive, as shown by the increasing congestion in certain parts of Spain caused by the high numbers of tourists. This has revived the debate over the need to move to a higher quality of tourism.
What do we understand by quality tourism?