In Europe


European Commission requires Amber EquityCo to apply for formal clearance for Applus+ takeover

Alphavalue/DIVACONS | The European Commission required Amber EquityCo, a consortium formed by the private equity funds I Squared and TDR, to submit a formal request for authorisation for its takeover bid for Applus+ (APPS) on the understanding that this transaction must be analysed in the light of the foreign subsidies regulation. In mid-September, Amber launched a takeover bid for 100% of Applus+ at a price of €9.75/share to compete with…

caf cartel fachada

CAF wins contract to supply 10 commuter trains in Netherlands

Link Securities| The Spanish industrial company CAF (CAF) announced on Friday that it has been awarded a new project in the Netherlands. The public transport operator Qbuzz, part of the FS Group, has chosen CAF to supply 10 commuter trains and their corresponding fleet parts, which are scheduled for delivery from 2028 onwards. Qbuzz is a public transport company in the Netherlands serving the Groningen-Drenthe region, the city of Utrecht…

ai person

Europe becomes first region to set AI regulatory standards

Banca March: The European Parliament approves the first regulatory standards for Artificial Intelligence. Europe becomes the first region to set fundamental rights and security standards for the dark side of this type of technology. It is expected to enter into force in May, although it is not thought it well be implemented until 2026. The regulation contemplates the classification of applications according to risk, in order to assign a series…

Arcelor Mittal

ArcelorMittal reaches agreement to buy Apollo’s stake in Vallourec for €955 million; synergies expected

Morgan Stanley| Arcelor Mittal (MTS) has reached an agreement to purchase Apollo’s stake in Vallourec (French steel tube manufacturer), equivalent to 65.2 million shares (28.4%) for a total of €955 million. The acquisition is expected to be completed in 2H24, once all regulatory approvals are in place. Alain Gabriel acknowledges that the purchase has been concluded at a reasonable valuation, but expects more clarity on the extent of synergies and/or…

airbus A320

Airbus delivers 49 aircraft in February, 2024 deliveries reach 79

Banco Sabadell: The company published last week the figure of 49 aircraft delivered during the month of February (compared to 30 in January and 46 in February 2023) bringing total deliveries in 2024 to 79 (against a figure of 66 in February last year, an increase of 20%). On the other hand, a total of two new orders and no cancellations were recorded during the month. Net orders through February…

Caixabank sede madrid

Caixabank CEO says bank taxes are brake on further consolidation of European banking sector

Link Securities| At a round table organised by the Bank of Spain (BdE) to celebrate ten years of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, the CEO of Caixabank (CABK), Gonzalo Gortázar, told the main financial supervisors that taxes on banking are a brake that does not help further consolidation of the European banking sector, as reported on Wednesday by Expansión. “In the last eleven years, the bank’s return on capital has been…

ECB premises

ECB leaves open the possibility of interest rate cuts

Mirabaud: To no one’s surprise, the European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to keep official interest rates unchanged and has sent out a clearly pessimistic message. Inflation is expected to fall more than expected – it may not even reach 2% in 2026 – and economic growth is expected to be very limited: according to the latest ECB forecasts, gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by barely 0.6% this year….

telefonica alemania2

Telefónica launches delisting takeover bid for the 5.65% stake in Telefónica Deutschland it failed to secure in previous bid

Norbolsa | Telefónica (TEF) has launched a delisting tender offer to acquire the shares of Telefónica Deutschland that are not owned by Telefónica representing approximately 5.65% of the share capital and voting rights. The delisting offer will be formulated as a tender offer and will not be subject to any conditions. The offered price per share is €2.35, which is an attractive price that yesterday closed at €2.34/share. Upon delisting,…

Alemania Exportaciones

Germany’s trade balance rebounds in January to €27.5 billion from €22.4 billion previously thanks to exports

Bankinter: The German Trade Balance surprises on the upside and rebounds again in the month – Trade Balance (January): €27.5bn versus €21bn expected and €22.4bn previous (revised from €22.2bn); Exports: +6.3% month-on-month against +1.5% expected and -4.2% previous (revised from -4.6%); Imports: +3.6% compared to +1.8% expected and -6.5% previous (revised from -6.7%). Assessment: Both components, Exports and Imports, beat expectations in January. However, this improvement is the result of…

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Brussels fines Apple €1.84 billion, just 0.06% of its market cap, for preventing competition from music streaming rivals

Bankinter: The EU has fined Apple €1.8 billion for abuse of dominant position in the music streaming segment, following a lawsuit filed by Spotify. Apple has indicated that it will appeal the fine as it considers that no conclusive evidence of harm to consumers or competition in the market has been presented. Analysis: Although the news is undoubtedly negative and in the short term the stock fell yesterday, we note…