Spanish economy

Spain Generic Govt 10Y Yield

Average cost of Spanish debt down to 1.46% in 2014

The Corner | May 26, 2015 | The improvement of financial markets in 2014 allowed the issuance average cost of the Spanish public Treasury to go down to 1.46%, about 100 basis points below 2013 levels. Spanish premium risk fell by 114 basis points to reach an average of 120 points in December, according to the Bank of Spain. (Chart above: Spain Generic Govt 10Y Yield; Source: Bloomberg)


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Spanish debt yields could save €14 billion in interests in 2015

MADRID | May 21, 2015 | By AFI | The Spanish Treasury issued € 110 billion of debt in gross figures, representing 46% of the total for this year, not so much through cost reduction but via the extension of maturities. In 2015 more than 60% of issuances were 10-year-bonds, while in 2012, at the worst moment of the debt crisis, these maturities only represented 8% of total issuances.