World economy

xi and elizabeth

Setting Priorities Is Key to China Overcoming Its Challenges

Michele Geraci via Caixin | The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The “belt and road” initiatives. The yuan entering the International Monetary Fund’s basket of reserve currencies. The Winter Olympics in Beijing. President Xi Jinping’s many trips abroad. His banquets with Queen Elizabeth and handshake with Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe.


What If Investors No Longer Roll EM’s Debt Over?

UBS | Between 2010 and 2014 global investors showed tremendous generosity towards EM, helping it issue forever larger amounts, and easily roll over debt coming due. In 2015 sentiment began to sour, and the primary market is even less benign today.

china options

China Enters Zugzwang

BARCLAYS | In chess, the concept of zugzwang refers to a point in the game where any change in the status quo weakens a player’s position. The ideal choice would be to not make a move, except that “pass” is not an option. This concept effectively explains the choices that confront China’s policy makers.

capitalism sick

Is Capitalism Ailing?

We are nearly eight years on from the crisis, the effects of which have been particularly devastating for the weaker social classes. This has led to an unsustainable unemployment rate, as well as inequality, in countries like Spain. So now some people are beginning to wonder whether productive capitalism is ailing, given how difficult it is to recover pre-crisis levels.

world growth

“Join The Dots”

James Alexander via Historinhas | Call me a conspiracy theorist but when three unrelated beasts of the global financial establishment all start talking about the same, previously unfashionable, thing it’s a bit of a coincidence.