Renta 4 | Withdrawals from network access points are continuing. To the over 20 GW of renewable projects abandoned in September, we must now add another almost 5 GW during the month of October.
As of October 31st 2020, the number of renewables’ plans with access permits has risen to 121.7 GW. This means only a further 0.5 GW have obtained the access point, a clear sign the transport network is fairly saturated. The electricity generation requested and denied amounts to 114.1 GW, of which 96.1 GW are photovoltaic and 18 GW wind power. A month earlier this figure was higher, 115.5 GW, showing that projects which have been refused are being removed from Red Eléctrica de España (REE)’s register.
Whatsmore, the authorisations for access currently being managed are declining. At present, REE only needs to take a decision on 47.6 GW. In September the figure was 50.8 GW.
In addition, according to the company, only 1 GW of new renewable energy projects have requested access permission during the month of October.
Taking all this data into account, some 4.8 GW have given up their access point (there is a difference of 3.8 GW, to which we can add the gigawatt of new applications). At the moment, there are already 121.7 GW with access permission granted, of which over 90 would be solar photovoltaic. This is enough power to cover the 60 GW of renewable capacity target set by the Government by 2030.