labour market

unemployment spain

Spain Loses Almost 950,000 Jobs Since The Beginning Of The Coronavirus Confinement

The Social Security has lost 947,896 affiliates since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis and up to end-April, leaving the total number of contributors at 18.39 million. Meanwhile unemployment grew in these last two months by more than 585,000 people, exceeding 3.8 million unemployed. The Ministry of Labour has not included the almost 3.5 million Spaniards protected by a situation of total or partial suspension from work via temporary layoffs.

OFICINA Empleo Spain

Coronavirus Shatters Spain’s All-Time Unemployment Rise Record: 302,365 People Lost Their Jobs in March

In the face of the economic slowdown due to the restrictive measures in place to stop the spread of Covid-19, Spanish companies laid off or terminated contracts for over 302,365 workers in March, which is more than 50% higher than the negative milestone of January 2009 (at the start of the last economic crisis) when there were almost 199,000 unemployed.This brought the total number of unemployed to 3.548.312. Finally, Spain’s labour market have lost 833,979 members up to March 31.

Spanish SMEs provide jobs for 71% of social security contributors

Spain Approves 20 Bn euros In Guarantees For SMEs And Self-Employed Workers

Half of the line of guarantees’ first tranche, amounting to 20 billion euros, will be earmarked for SMEs and the self-employed, guaranteeing 80% of new loans and financing renewals. The remainder will go to medium and large companies. In the latter’s case, up to 70% of new loans will be guaranteed, while loans’ renewals will be guaranteed up to 60%. Once the resources are used up, the government will automatically activate new tranches of credit lines up to the maximum target of 100 billion euros.


Around 500 ERTES Now Affect More Than 1 Million Workers In Spain

The rapid spread of the coronavirus in Spain is sparking a decline in activity for many companies, beyond just the shops, bars and restaurants which have been forced to close. Some giants such as SEAT, Volkswagen or Burger King have announced that they are going to launch temporary layoffs (so called ERTEs) to deal with the situation. The Spanish government calculates that the extraordinary measures already activated could affect up to one million jobs.

The returm of migration to Spain

The Return Of Immigration To Spain

CaixaBank Research | Immigration is back in Spain after years of crisis in which there were many more immigrants departing than arriving (between 2010 and 2014). More specifically, Spain has once again become a net recipient of foreign immigration since 2015 and the trend has intensified in recent years: net inflows of foreign nationals reached 330,000 people in 2018 according to the migration statistics of the National Statistics Institute. The following are the main conclusions.

What Spain's labour market recruitment data hides

What Spain’s Labour Market Recruitment Data Hides

In 2018, 22.3 M employment contracts were signed in Spain. This record number marks a sixth year of sustained increases, as well as a significant rise over the 17.8 M contracts signed in 2007. Despite the fact that 21% more contracts were signed compared to before the financial crisis, the number of people with Social Security stood at 19 M at the end of 2018, a level very similar to that of 2007 (19.4 million). Analysts at Caixabank Research explains next what is the reason for this contrast.

Spain has highest proportion of contracts of 6 months or less

Spain Has Highest Rate Of 6 Mths Or Less Contracts

According to data of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which links the increase in poverty to the length of contracts, in a comparison of 18 European countries, Spain has registered the largest proportion of contracts of 6 months or less. According to its forecasts, Spain’s unemployment rate will fall from 15.5% in 2018 to 14% in 2020.