REE / Enagás / Indra: The State could double its influence
Alphavalue | The Spanish government prepares measures to block corporate operations among listed companies in which the State has a stake.
Alphavalue | The Spanish government prepares measures to block corporate operations among listed companies in which the State has a stake.
Bankinter | Red Eléctrica (REE) demands normative adjustments to facilitate the implantation of renewable energies. The director-general of Red Eléctrica, Miguel Duvison, has declared that currently access has been approved in Spain for 84% of the energy potential which needed for 2030.
The National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC in its acronym in Spanish) is processing a circular so that all energy companies which supply electricity, gas and hydrocarbons meet six ratios which constrain their level of debt and dividends in relations to the volume of assets, cash flow, EBITDA or financial costs.
Red Eléctrica de España (REE) plans to put into service in 2025 the underwater electricity link with France. This new electricity interconnection will allow the exchange capacity between Spain and France to increase to 5.000 MW compared with the current 2.800 MW.
“We are still generating 20% of our electricity with coal and this increased in 2016 compared with the previous year…It’s cheaper than gas. And that’s the point: no matter how much we try to establish targets, companies operate on a day-to-day basis, look for economic efficiency and use the cheapest form of energy available,” says Carmen Gómez de Barreda, board member at Red Eléctrica.
The country’s Supreme Court has ruled that town councils should charge Spain’s electricity and gas companies for using the public domain for their energy transport installations, at a rate of between 3,000 and 12,000 euros per linear metre a year. This is what the court has set down in five legal rulings, putting an end to a long dispute between the town councils and the companies which refused to pay these fees.
UBS | REE delivered an impressive annual total return of over 20% in the past 5 years. This was driven by EPS growth, supportive regulation and above all, falling sovereign bond yields. The trend however was halted this year as bond yields recovered and yield expansion impacted the stock – a risk which continues to keep us cautious on REE, and on regulated names in general.
Fernando Fernández is a member of the board at Bankia and Red Eléctrica. Apart from the challenges presented by the macroeconomic environment and the technology revolution, he believes that Spain’s banks have to establish a new kind of relationship with their clients and consolidate the sector’s new size.